(function () {
'use strict';
var Vec3 = require('./Vec3');
function closestPointOnEdge( a, b, point ) {
var ab = b.sub( a );
// project c onto ab, computing parameterized position d(t) = a + t*(b * a)
var t = new Vec3( point ).sub( a ).dot( ab ) / ab.dot( ab );
// If outside segment, clamp t (and therefore d) to the closest endpoint
if ( t < 0 ) {
t = 0;
if ( t > 1 ) {
t = 1;
// compute projected position from the clamped t
return a.add( ab.multScalar( t ) );
* Instantiates a Triangle object.
* @class Triangle
* @classdesc A CCW-winded triangle object.
function Triangle() {
switch ( arguments.length ) {
case 1:
// array or object argument
var arg = arguments[0];
this.a = new Vec3( arg[0] || arg.a );
this.b = new Vec3( arg[1] || arg.b );
this.c = new Vec3( arg[2] || arg.c );
case 3:
// individual vector arguments
this.a = new Vec3( arguments[0] );
this.b = new Vec3( arguments[1] );
this.c = new Vec3( arguments[2] );
this.a = new Vec3( 0, 0, 0 );
this.b = new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
this.c = new Vec3( 1, 1, 0 );
* Returns the radius of the bounding sphere of the triangle.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {number} The radius of the bounding sphere.
Triangle.prototype.radius = function() {
var centroid = this.centroid(),
aDist = this.a.sub( centroid ).length(),
bDist = this.b.sub( centroid ).length(),
cDist = this.c.sub( centroid ).length();
return Math.max( aDist, Math.max( bDist, cDist ) );
* Returns the centroid of the triangle.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {number} The centroid of the triangle.
Triangle.prototype.centroid = function() {
return this.a
.add( this.b )
.add( this.c )
.divScalar( 3 );
* Returns the normal of the triangle.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {number} The normal of the triangle.
Triangle.prototype.normal = function() {
var ab = this.b.sub( this.a ),
ac = this.c.sub( this.a );
return ab.cross( ac ).normalize();
* Returns the area of the triangle.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {number} The area of the triangle.
Triangle.prototype.area = function() {
var ab = this.b.sub( this.a ),
ac = this.c.sub( this.a );
return ab.cross( ac ).length() / 2.0;
* Returns true if the point is inside the triangle. The point must be
* coplanar.
* @memberof Triangle
* @param {Vec3|Array} point - The point to test.
* @returns {boolean} Whether or not the point is inside the triangle.
Triangle.prototype.isInside = function( point ) {
var p = new Vec3( point );
// Translate point and triangle so that point lies at origin
var a = this.a.sub( p );
var b = this.b.sub( p );
var c = this.c.sub( p );
// Compute normal vectors for triangles pab and pbc
var u = b.cross( c );
var v = c.cross( a );
// Make sure they are both pointing in the same direction
if ( u.dot( v ) < 0.0 ) {
return false;
// Compute normal vector for triangle pca
var w = a.cross( b );
// Make sure it points in the same direction as the first two
if ( u.dot( w ) < 0.0 ) {
return false;
// Otherwise P must be in (or on) the triangle
return true;
* Intersect the triangle and return intersection information.
* @memberof Triangle
* @param {Vec3|Array} origin - The origin of the intersection ray
* @param {Vec3|Array} direction - The direction of the intersection ray.
* @param {boolean} ignoreBehind - Whether or not to ignore intersections behind the origin of the ray.
* @param {boolean} ignoreBackface - Whether or not to ignore the backface of the triangle.
* @returns {Object|boolean} The intersection information, or false if there is no intersection.
Triangle.prototype.intersect = function( origin, direction, ignoreBehind, ignoreBackface ) {
// Compute ray/plane intersection
var o = new Vec3( origin );
var d = new Vec3( direction );
var normal = this.normal();
var dn = d.dot( normal );
if ( dn === 0 ) {
// ray is parallel to plane
// TODO: check if ray is co-linear and intersects?
return false;
var t = this.a.sub( o ).dot( normal ) / dn;
if ( ignoreBehind && ( t < 0 ) ) {
// plane is behind ray
return false;
if ( ignoreBackface ) {
// ignore triangles facing away from ray
if ( ( t > 0 && dn > 0 ) || ( t < 0 && dn < 0 ) ) {
// triangle is facing opposite the direction of intersection
return false;
var position = o.add( d.multScalar( t ) );
// check if point is inside the triangle
if ( !this.isInside( position ) ) {
return false;
return {
position: position,
normal: normal,
t: t
* Returns the closest point on the triangle to the specified point.
* @memberof Triangle
* @param {Vec3|Array} point - The point to test.
* @returns {Vec3} The closest point on the edge.
Triangle.prototype.closestPoint = function( point ) {
var e0 = closestPointOnEdge( this.a, this.b, point );
var e1 = closestPointOnEdge( this.b, this.c, point );
var e2 = closestPointOnEdge( this.c, this.a, point );
var d0 = ( e0.sub( point ) ).lengthSquared();
var d1 = ( e1.sub( point ) ).lengthSquared();
var d2 = ( e2.sub( point ) ).lengthSquared();
if ( d0 < d1 ) {
return ( d0 < d2 ) ? e0 : e2;
} else {
return ( d1 < d2 ) ? e1 : e2;
* Returns a random Triangle of unit length.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {Triangle} A random triangle of unit radius.
Triangle.random = function() {
var a = Vec3.random(),
b = Vec3.random(),
c = Vec3.random(),
centroid = a.add( b ).add( c ).divScalar( 3 ),
aCent = a.sub( centroid ),
bCent = b.sub( centroid ),
cCent = c.sub( centroid ),
aDist = aCent.length(),
bDist = bCent.length(),
cDist = cCent.length(),
maxDist = Math.max( Math.max( aDist, bDist ), cDist ),
scale = 1 / maxDist;
return new Triangle(
aCent.multScalar( scale ),
bCent.multScalar( scale ),
cCent.multScalar( scale ) );
* Returns true if the vector components match those of a provided triangle.
* An optional epsilon value may be provided.
* @memberof Triangle
* @param {Triangle} that - The vector to test equality with.
* @param {number} epsilon - The epsilon value. Optional.
* @returns {boolean} Whether or not the vector components match.
Triangle.prototype.equals = function( that, epsilon ) {
epsilon = epsilon === undefined ? 0 : epsilon;
return this.a.equals( that.a, epsilon ) &&
this.b.equals( that.b, epsilon ) &&
this.c.equals( that.c, epsilon );
* Returns a string representation of the vector.
* @memberof Triangle
* @returns {String} The string representation of the vector.
Triangle.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.a.toString() + ', ' +
this.b.toString() + ', ' +
module.exports = Triangle;