(function() {
'use strict';
var Vec3 = require('./Vec3');
var Mat33 = require('./Mat33');
var Mat44 = require('./Mat44');
* Instantiates a Quaternion object.
* @class Quaternion
* @classdesc A quaternion representing an orientation.
function Quaternion() {
switch ( arguments.length ) {
case 1:
// array or Quaternion argument
var argument = arguments[0];
if ( argument.w !== undefined ) {
this.w = argument.w;
} else if ( argument[0] !== undefined ) {
this.w = argument[0];
} else {
this.w = 1.0;
this.x = argument.x || argument[1] || 0.0;
this.y = argument.y || argument[2] || 0.0;
this.z = argument.z || argument[3] || 0.0;
case 4:
// individual component arguments
this.w = arguments[0];
this.x = arguments[1];
this.y = arguments[2];
this.z = arguments[3];
this.w = 1;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
* Returns a quaternion that represents an oreintation matching
* the identity matrix.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} The identity quaternion.
Quaternion.identity = function() {
return new Quaternion( 1, 0, 0, 0 );
* Returns a new Quaternion with each component negated.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} The negated quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.negate = function() {
return new Quaternion( -this.w, -this.x, -this.y, -this.z );
* Concatenates the rotations of the two quaternions, returning
* a new Quaternion object.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {Quaternion|Array} that - The quaterion to concatenate.
* @returns {Quaternion} The resulting concatenated quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.multQuat = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? new Quaternion( that ) : that;
var w = (that.w * this.w) - (that.x * this.x) - (that.y * this.y) - (that.z * this.z),
x = this.y*that.z - this.z*that.y + this.w*that.x + this.x*that.w,
y = this.z*that.x - this.x*that.z + this.w*that.y + this.y*that.w,
z = this.x*that.y - this.y*that.x + this.w*that.z + this.z*that.w;
return new Quaternion( w, x, y, z );
* Applies the orientation of the quaternion as a rotation
* matrix to the provided vector, returning a new Vec3 object.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {Vec3|Vec4|Array} that - The vector to rotate.
* @returns {Vec3} The resulting rotated vector.
Quaternion.prototype.rotate = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? new Vec3( that ) : that;
var vq = new Quaternion( 0, that.x, that.y, that.z ),
r = this.multQuat( vq ).multQuat( this.inverse() );
return new Vec3( r.x, r.y, r.z );
* Returns the x-axis of the rotation matrix that the quaternion represents.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Vec3} The x-axis of the rotation matrix represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.xAxis = function() {
var yy = this.y*this.y,
zz = this.z*this.z,
xy = this.x*this.y,
xz = this.x*this.z,
yw = this.y*this.w,
zw = this.z*this.w;
return new Vec3(
1 - 2*yy - 2*zz,
2*xy + 2*zw,
2*xz - 2*yw ).normalize();
* Returns the y-axis of the rotation matrix that the quaternion represents.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Vec3} The y-axis of the rotation matrix represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.yAxis = function() {
var xx = this.x*this.x,
zz = this.z*this.z,
xy = this.x*this.y,
xw = this.x*this.w,
yz = this.y*this.z,
zw = this.z*this.w;
return new Vec3(
2*xy - 2*zw,
1 - 2*xx - 2*zz,
2*yz + 2*xw ).normalize();
* Returns the z-axis of the rotation matrix that the quaternion represents.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Vec3} The z-axis of the rotation matrix represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.zAxis = function() {
var xx = this.x*this.x,
yy = this.y*this.y,
xz = this.x*this.z,
xw = this.x*this.w,
yz = this.y*this.z,
yw = this.y*this.w;
return new Vec3(
2*xz + 2*yw,
2*yz - 2*xw,
1 - 2*xx - 2*yy ).normalize();
* Returns the axes of the rotation matrix that the quaternion represents.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Object} The axes of the matrix represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.axes = function() {
var xx = this.x*this.x,
yy = this.y*this.y,
zz = this.z*this.z,
xy = this.x*this.y,
xz = this.x*this.z,
xw = this.x*this.w,
yz = this.y*this.z,
yw = this.y*this.w,
zw = this.z*this.w;
return {
x: new Vec3( 1 - 2*yy - 2*zz, 2*xy + 2*zw, 2*xz - 2*yw ),
y: new Vec3( 2*xy - 2*zw, 1 - 2*xx - 2*zz, 2*yz + 2*xw ),
z: new Vec3( 2*xz + 2*yw, 2*yz - 2*xw, 1 - 2*xx - 2*yy )
* Returns the rotation matrix that the quaternion represents.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Mat33} The rotation matrix represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.matrix = function() {
var xx = this.x*this.x,
yy = this.y*this.y,
zz = this.z*this.z,
xy = this.x*this.y,
xz = this.x*this.z,
xw = this.x*this.w,
yz = this.y*this.z,
yw = this.y*this.w,
zw = this.z*this.w;
return new Mat33([
1 - 2*yy - 2*zz, 2*xy + 2*zw, 2*xz - 2*yw,
2*xy - 2*zw, 1 - 2*xx - 2*zz, 2*yz + 2*xw,
2*xz + 2*yw, 2*yz - 2*xw, 1 - 2*xx - 2*yy ]);
* Returns a quaternion representing the rotation defined by an axis
* and an angle.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {number} angle - The angle of the rotation, in radians.
* @param {Vec3|Array} axis - The axis of the rotation.
* @returns {Quaternion} The quaternion representing the rotation.
Quaternion.rotation = function( angle, axis ) {
if ( axis instanceof Array ) {
axis = new Vec3( axis );
// normalize arguments
axis = axis.normalize();
// set quaternion for the equivolent rotation
var modAngle = ( angle > 0 ) ? angle % (2*Math.PI) : angle % (-2*Math.PI),
sina = Math.sin( modAngle/2 ),
cosa = Math.cos( modAngle/2 );
return new Quaternion(
axis.x * sina,
axis.y * sina,
axis.z * sina ).normalize();
* Returns a rotation matrix to rotate a vector from one direction to
* another.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {Vec3} from - The starting direction.
* @param {Vec3} to - The ending direction.
* @returns {Quaternion} The quaternion representing the rotation.
Quaternion.rotationFromTo = function( fromVec, toVec ) {
fromVec = new Vec3( fromVec );
toVec = new Vec3( toVec );
var cross = fromVec.cross( toVec );
var dot = fromVec.dot( toVec );
var fLen = fromVec.length();
var tLen = toVec.length();
var w = Math.sqrt( ( fLen * fLen ) * ( tLen * tLen ) ) + dot;
return new Quaternion( w, cross.x, cross.y, cross.z ).normalize();
* Returns a quaternion that has been spherically interpolated between
* two provided quaternions for a given t value.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {Quaternion} fromRot - The rotation at t = 0.
* @param {Quaternion} toRot - The rotation at t = 1.
* @param {number} t - The t value, from 0 to 1.
* @returns {Quaternion} The quaternion representing the interpolated rotation.
Quaternion.slerp = function( fromRot, toRot, t ) {
if ( fromRot instanceof Array ) {
fromRot = new Quaternion( fromRot );
if ( toRot instanceof Array ) {
toRot = new Quaternion( toRot );
// calculate angle between
var cosHalfTheta = ( fromRot.w * toRot.w ) +
( fromRot.x * toRot.x ) +
( fromRot.y * toRot.y ) +
( fromRot.z * toRot.z );
// if fromRot=toRot or fromRot=-toRot then theta = 0 and we can return from
if ( Math.abs( cosHalfTheta ) >= 1 ) {
return new Quaternion(
fromRot.z );
// cosHalfTheta must be positive to return the shortest angle
if ( cosHalfTheta < 0 ) {
fromRot = fromRot.negate();
cosHalfTheta = -cosHalfTheta;
var halfTheta = Math.acos( cosHalfTheta );
var sinHalfTheta = Math.sqrt( 1 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta );
var scaleFrom = Math.sin( ( 1.0 - t ) * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta;
var scaleTo = Math.sin( t * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta;
return new Quaternion(
fromRot.w * scaleFrom + toRot.w * scaleTo,
fromRot.x * scaleFrom + toRot.x * scaleTo,
fromRot.y * scaleFrom + toRot.y * scaleTo,
fromRot.z * scaleFrom + toRot.z * scaleTo );
* Returns true if the vector components match those of a provided vector.
* An optional epsilon value may be provided.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @param {Quaternion|Array} - The vector to calculate the dot product with.
* @param {number} - The epsilon value. Optional.
* @returns {boolean} Whether or not the vector components match.
Quaternion.prototype.equals = function( that, epsilon ) {
var w = that.w !== undefined ? that.w : that[0],
x = that.x !== undefined ? that.x : that[1],
y = that.y !== undefined ? that.y : that[2],
z = that.z !== undefined ? that.z : that[3];
epsilon = epsilon === undefined ? 0 : epsilon;
return ( this.w === w || Math.abs( this.w - w ) <= epsilon ) &&
( this.x === x || Math.abs( this.x - x ) <= epsilon ) &&
( this.y === y || Math.abs( this.y - y ) <= epsilon ) &&
( this.z === z || Math.abs( this.z - z ) <= epsilon );
* Returns a new Quaternion of unit length.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} The quaternion of unit length.
Quaternion.prototype.normalize = function() {
var mag = Math.sqrt(
this.x*this.x +
this.y*this.y +
this.z*this.z +
this.w*this.w );
if ( mag !== 0 ) {
return new Quaternion(
this.w / mag,
this.x / mag,
this.y / mag,
this.z / mag );
return new Quaternion();
* Returns the conjugate of the quaternion.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} The conjugate of the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.conjugate = function() {
return new Quaternion( this.w, -this.x, -this.y, -this.z );
* Returns the inverse of the quaternion.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} The inverse of the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.inverse = function() {
return this.conjugate();
* Returns a random Quaternion of unit length.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Quaternion} A random vector of unit length.
Quaternion.random = function() {
var axis = Vec3.random().normalize(),
angle = Math.random();
return Quaternion.rotation( angle, axis );
* Returns a string representation of the quaternion.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {String} The string representation of the quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.x + ', ' + this.y + ', ' + this.z + ', ' + this.w;
* Returns an array representation of the quaternion.
* @memberof Quaternion
* @returns {Array} The quaternion as an array.
Quaternion.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [ this.w, this.x, this.y, this.z ];
* Decomposes the matrix into the corresponding rotation, and scale components.
* a scale.
* @memberof Mat33
* @returns {Object} The decomposed components of the matrix.
Mat33.prototype.decompose = function() {
// axis vectors
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] );
var y = new Vec3( this.data[3], this.data[4], this.data[5] );
var z = new Vec3( this.data[6], this.data[7], this.data[8] );
// scale needs unnormalized vectors
var scale = new Vec3( x.length(), y.length(), z.length() );
// rotation needs normalized vectors
x = x.normalize();
y = y.normalize();
z = z.normalize();
var trace = x.x + y.y + z.z;
var s;
var rotation;
if ( trace > 0 ) {
s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 );
rotation = new Quaternion(
0.25 / s,
( y.z - z.y ) * s,
( z.x - x.z ) * s,
( x.y - y.x ) * s );
} else if ( x.x > y.y && x.x > z.z ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + x.x - y.y - z.z );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( y.z - z.y ) / s,
0.25 * s,
( y.x + x.y ) / s,
( z.x + x.z ) / s );
} else if ( y.y > z.z ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + y.y - x.x - z.z );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( z.x - x.z ) / s,
( y.x + x.y ) / s,
0.25 * s,
( z.y + y.z ) / s );
} else {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + z.z - x.x - y.y );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( x.y - y.x ) / s,
( z.x + x.z ) / s,
( z.y + y.z ) / s,
0.25 * s );
return {
rotation: rotation,
scale: scale
* Decomposes the matrix into the corresponding rotation, translation, and scale components.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Object} The decomposed components of the matrix.
Mat44.prototype.decompose = function() {
// translation
var translation = new Vec3( this.data[12], this.data[13], this.data[14] );
// axis vectors
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] );
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] );
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] );
// scale needs unnormalized vectors
var scale = new Vec3( x.length(), y.length(), z.length() );
// rotation needs normalized vectors
x = x.normalize();
y = y.normalize();
z = z.normalize();
var trace = x.x + y.y + z.z;
var s;
var rotation;
if ( trace > 0 ) {
s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 );
rotation = new Quaternion(
0.25 / s,
( y.z - z.y ) * s,
( z.x - x.z ) * s,
( x.y - y.x ) * s );
} else if ( x.x > y.y && x.x > z.z ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + x.x - y.y - z.z );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( y.z - z.y ) / s,
0.25 * s,
( y.x + x.y ) / s,
( z.x + x.z ) / s );
} else if ( y.y > z.z ) {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + y.y - x.x - z.z );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( z.x - x.z ) / s,
( y.x + x.y ) / s,
0.25 * s,
( z.y + y.z ) / s );
} else {
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + z.z - x.x - y.y );
rotation = new Quaternion(
( x.y - y.x ) / s,
( z.x + x.z ) / s,
( z.y + y.z ) / s,
0.25 * s );
return {
rotation: rotation,
scale: scale,
translation: translation
module.exports = Quaternion;