(function() {
'use strict';
var Vec3 = require('./Vec3');
var Vec4 = require('./Vec4');
var Mat33 = require('./Mat33');
var EPSILON = require('./Epsilon');
* Instantiates a Mat44 object.
* @class Mat44
* @classdesc A 4x4 column-major matrix.
function Mat44( that ) {
that = that || [
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
if ( that instanceof Array ) {
this.data = that;
} else {
this.data = new Array( 16 );
this.data[0] = that.data[0];
this.data[1] = that.data[1];
this.data[2] = that.data[2];
this.data[3] = that.data[3];
this.data[4] = that.data[4];
this.data[5] = that.data[5];
this.data[6] = that.data[6];
this.data[7] = that.data[7];
this.data[8] = that.data[8];
this.data[9] = that.data[9];
this.data[10] = that.data[10];
this.data[11] = that.data[11];
this.data[12] = that.data[12];
this.data[13] = that.data[13];
this.data[14] = that.data[14];
this.data[15] = that.data[15];
* Returns a row of the matrix as a Vec4 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {number} index - The 0-based row index.
* @param {Vec3|Array} vec - The vector to replace the row. Optional.
* @returns {Vec4} The row vector.
Mat44.prototype.row = function( index, vec ) {
if ( vec ) {
this.data[0+index] = vec[0] || vec.x;
this.data[4+index] = vec[1] || vec.y;
this.data[8+index] = vec[2] || vec.z;
this.data[12+index] = vec[3] || vec.w;
return this;
return new Vec4(
this.data[12+index] );
* Returns a column of the matrix as a Vec4 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {number} index - The 0-based col index.
* @param {Vec3|Array} vec - The vector to replace the col. Optional.
* @returns {Vec4} The column vector.
Mat44.prototype.col = function( index, vec ) {
if ( vec ) {
this.data[0+index*4] = vec[0] || vec.x;
this.data[1+index*4] = vec[1] || vec.y;
this.data[2+index*4] = vec[2] || vec.z;
this.data[3+index*4] = vec[3] || vec.w;
return this;
return new Vec4(
this.data[3+index*4] );
* Returns the identity matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The identiy matrix.
Mat44.identity = function() {
return new Mat44();
* Returns a scale matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Vec3|Array|number} scale - The scalar or vector scaling factor.
* @returns {Mat44} The scale matrix.
Mat44.scale = function( scale ) {
if ( typeof scale === 'number' ) {
return new Mat44([
scale, 0, 0, 0,
0, scale, 0, 0,
0, 0, scale, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
} else if ( scale instanceof Array ) {
return new Mat44([
scale[0], 0, 0, 0,
0, scale[1], 0, 0,
0, 0, scale[2], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return new Mat44([
scale.x, 0, 0, 0,
0, scale.y, 0, 0,
0, 0, scale.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
* Returns a translation matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Vec3|Array} translation - The translation vector.
* @returns {Mat44} The translation matrix.
Mat44.translation = function( translation ) {
if ( translation instanceof Array ) {
return new Mat44([
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], 1
return new Mat44([
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
translation.x, translation.y, translation.z, 1
* Returns a rotation matrix defined by an axis and an angle.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {number} angle - The angle of the rotation, in radians.
* @param {Vec3} axis - The axis of the rotation.
* @returns {Mat44} The rotation matrix.
Mat44.rotation = function( angle, axis ) {
if ( axis instanceof Array ) {
axis = new Vec3( axis );
// zero vector, return identity
if ( axis.lengthSquared() === 0 ) {
throw 'Cannot create rotation matrix for a zero vector axis';
var normAxis = axis.normalize(),
x = normAxis.x,
y = normAxis.y,
z = normAxis.z,
modAngle = ( angle > 0 ) ? angle % (2*Math.PI) : angle % (-2*Math.PI),
s = Math.sin( modAngle ),
c = Math.cos( modAngle ),
xx = x * x,
yy = y * y,
zz = z * z,
xy = x * y,
yz = y * z,
zx = z * x,
xs = x * s,
ys = y * s,
zs = z * s,
one_c = 1.0 - c;
return new Mat44([
(one_c * xx) + c, (one_c * xy) + zs, (one_c * zx) - ys, 0,
(one_c * xy) - zs, (one_c * yy) + c, (one_c * yz) + xs, 0,
(one_c * zx) + ys, (one_c * yz) - xs, (one_c * zz) + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
* Returns a rotation matrix to rotate a vector from one direction to
* another.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Vec3} from - The starting direction.
* @param {Vec3} to - The ending direction.
* @returns {Mat44} The matrix representing the rotation.
Mat44.rotationFromTo = function( fromVec, toVec ) {
This method is based on the code from:
Tomas Mller, John Hughes
Efficiently Building a Matrix to Rotate One Vector to Another
Journal of Graphics Tools, 4(4):1-4, 1999
fromVec = new Vec3( fromVec ).normalize();
toVec = new Vec3( toVec ).normalize();
var e = fromVec.dot( toVec );
var f = Math.abs( e );
var x, u, v;
var fx, fy, fz;
var ux, uz;
var c1, c2, c3;
if ( f > 1.0 - EPSILON ) {
// 'from' and 'to' almost parallel
// nearly orthogonal
fx = Math.abs( fromVec.x );
fy = Math.abs( fromVec.y );
fz = Math.abs( fromVec.z );
if ( fx < fy ) {
if ( fx < fz ) {
x = new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 );
} else {
x = new Vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
} else {
if ( fy < fz ) {
x = new Vec3( 0, 1, 0 );
} else {
x = new Vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
u = x.sub( fromVec );
v = x.sub( toVec );
c1 = 2.0 / u.dot( u );
c2 = 2.0 / v.dot( v );
c3 = c1*c2 * u.dot( v );
// set matrix entries
return new Mat44([
-c1*u.x*u.x - c2*v.x*v.x + c3*v.x*u.x + 1.0,
-c1*u.y*u.x - c2*v.y*v.x + c3*v.y*u.x,
-c1*u.z*u.x - c2*v.z*v.x + c3*v.z*u.x,
-c1*u.x*u.y - c2*v.x*v.y + c3*v.x*u.y,
-c1*u.y*u.y - c2*v.y*v.y + c3*v.y*u.y + 1.0,
-c1*u.z*u.y - c2*v.z*v.y + c3*v.z*u.y,
-c1*u.x*u.z - c2*v.x*v.z + c3*v.x*u.z,
-c1*u.y*u.z - c2*v.y*v.z + c3*v.y*u.z,
-c1*u.z*u.z - c2*v.z*v.z + c3*v.z*u.z + 1.0,
// the most common case, unless 'from'='to', or 'to'=-'from'
v = fromVec.cross( toVec );
u = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + e ); // optimization by Gottfried Chen
ux = u * v.x;
uz = u * v.z;
c1 = ux * v.y;
c2 = ux * v.z;
c3 = uz * v.y;
return new Mat44([
e + ux * v.x,
c1 + v.z,
c2 - v.y,
c1 - v.z,
e + u * v.y * v.y,
c3 + v.x,
c2 + v.y,
c3 - v.x,
e + uz * v.z,
* Adds the matrix with the provided matrix argument, returning a new Ma33
* object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat33|Array} that - The matrix to add.
* @returns {Mat44} The sum of the two matrices.
Mat44.prototype.addMat33 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] + that[0],
this.data[1] + that[1],
this.data[2] + that[2],
this.data[4] + that[3],
this.data[5] + that[4],
this.data[6] + that[5],
this.data[8] + that[6],
this.data[9] + that[7],
this.data[10] + that[8],
* Adds the matrix with the provided matrix argument, returning a new Ma33
* object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat44|Array} that - The matrix to add.
* @returns {Mat44} The sum of the two matrices.
Mat44.prototype.addMat44 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] + that[0],
this.data[1] + that[1],
this.data[2] + that[2],
this.data[3] + that[3],
this.data[4] + that[4],
this.data[5] + that[5],
this.data[6] + that[6],
this.data[7] + that[7],
this.data[8] + that[8],
this.data[9] + that[9],
this.data[10] + that[10],
this.data[11] + that[11],
this.data[12] + that[12],
this.data[13] + that[13],
this.data[14] + that[14],
this.data[15] + that[15]
* Subtracts the provided matrix argument from the matrix, returning a new
* Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat33|Array} that - The matrix to add.
* @returns {Mat44} The difference of the two matrices.
Mat44.prototype.subMat33 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] - that[0],
this.data[1] - that[1],
this.data[2] - that[2],
this.data[4] - that[3],
this.data[5] - that[4],
this.data[6] - that[5],
this.data[8] - that[6],
this.data[9] - that[7],
this.data[10] - that[8],
* Subtracts the provided matrix argument from the matrix, returning a new
* Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat44|Array} that - The matrix to add.
* @returns {Mat44} The difference of the two matrices.
Mat44.prototype.subMat44 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] - that[0],
this.data[1] - that[1],
this.data[2] - that[2],
this.data[3] - that[3],
this.data[4] - that[4],
this.data[5] - that[5],
this.data[6] - that[6],
this.data[7] - that[7],
this.data[8] - that[8],
this.data[9] - that[9],
this.data[10] - that[10],
this.data[11] - that[11],
this.data[12] - that[12],
this.data[13] - that[13],
this.data[14] - that[14],
this.data[15] - that[15]
* Multiplies the provded vector argument by the matrix, returning a new
* Vec3 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Vec3|Vec4|Array} - The vector to be multiplied by the matrix.
* @returns {Vec3} The resulting vector.
Mat44.prototype.multVec3 = function( that ) {
// ensure 'that' is a Vec3
// it is safe to only cast if Array since Vec4 has own method
if ( that instanceof Array ) {
return new Vec3(
this.data[0] * that[0] + this.data[4] * that[1] + this.data[8] * that[2] + this.data[12],
this.data[1] * that[0] + this.data[5] * that[1] + this.data[9] * that[2] + this.data[13],
this.data[2] * that[0] + this.data[6] * that[1] + this.data[10] * that[2] + this.data[14]
return new Vec3(
this.data[0] * that.x + this.data[4] * that.y + this.data[8] * that.z + this.data[12],
this.data[1] * that.x + this.data[5] * that.y + this.data[9] * that.z + this.data[13],
this.data[2] * that.x + this.data[6] * that.y + this.data[10] * that.z + this.data[14]
* Multiplies the provded vector argument by the matrix, returning a new
* Vec3 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Vec3|Vec4|Array} - The vector to be multiplied by the matrix.
* @returns {Vec4} The resulting vector.
Mat44.prototype.multVec4 = function( that ) {
// ensure 'that' is a Vec4
// it is safe to only cast if Array since Vec3 has own method
if ( that instanceof Array ) {
return new Vec4(
this.data[0] * that[0] + this.data[4] * that[1] + this.data[8] * that[2] + this.data[12] * that[3],
this.data[1] * that[0] + this.data[5] * that[1] + this.data[9] * that[2] + this.data[13] * that[3],
this.data[2] * that[0] + this.data[6] * that[1] + this.data[10] * that[2] + this.data[14] * that[3],
this.data[3] * that[0] + this.data[7] * that[1] + this.data[11] * that[2] + this.data[15] * that[3]
return new Vec4(
this.data[0] * that.x + this.data[4] * that.y + this.data[8] * that.z + this.data[12] * that.w,
this.data[1] * that.x + this.data[5] * that.y + this.data[9] * that.z + this.data[13] * that.w,
this.data[2] * that.x + this.data[6] * that.y + this.data[10] * that.z + this.data[14] * that.w,
this.data[3] * that.x + this.data[7] * that.y + this.data[11] * that.z + this.data[15] * that.w
* Multiplies all components of the matrix by the provded scalar argument,
* returning a new Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {number} - The scalar to multiply the matrix by.
* @returns {Mat44} The resulting matrix.
Mat44.prototype.multScalar = function( that ) {
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] * that,
this.data[1] * that,
this.data[2] * that,
this.data[3] * that,
this.data[4] * that,
this.data[5] * that,
this.data[6] * that,
this.data[7] * that,
this.data[8] * that,
this.data[9] * that,
this.data[10] * that,
this.data[11] * that,
this.data[12] * that,
this.data[13] * that,
this.data[14] * that,
this.data[15] * that
* Multiplies the provded matrix argument by the matrix, returning a new
* Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat33|Array} - The matrix to be multiplied by the matrix.
* @returns {Mat44} The resulting matrix.
Mat44.prototype.multMat33 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] * that[0] + this.data[4] * that[1] + this.data[8] * that[2],
this.data[1] * that[0] + this.data[5] * that[1] + this.data[9] * that[2],
this.data[2] * that[0] + this.data[6] * that[1] + this.data[10] * that[2],
this.data[3] * that[0] + this.data[7] * that[1] + this.data[11] * that[2],
this.data[0] * that[3] + this.data[4] * that[4] + this.data[8] * that[5],
this.data[1] * that[3] + this.data[5] * that[4] + this.data[9] * that[5],
this.data[2] * that[3] + this.data[6] * that[4] + this.data[10] * that[5],
this.data[3] * that[3] + this.data[7] * that[4] + this.data[11] * that[5],
this.data[0] * that[6] + this.data[4] * that[7] + this.data[8] * that[8],
this.data[1] * that[6] + this.data[5] * that[7] + this.data[9] * that[8],
this.data[2] * that[6] + this.data[6] * that[7] + this.data[10] * that[8],
this.data[3] * that[6] + this.data[7] * that[7] + this.data[11] * that[8],
* Multiplies the provded matrix argument by the matrix, returning a new
* Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat44|Array} - The matrix to be multiplied by the matrix.
* @returns {Mat44} The resulting matrix.
Mat44.prototype.multMat44 = function( that ) {
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] * that[0] + this.data[4] * that[1] + this.data[8] * that[2] + this.data[12] * that[3],
this.data[1] * that[0] + this.data[5] * that[1] + this.data[9] * that[2] + this.data[13] * that[3],
this.data[2] * that[0] + this.data[6] * that[1] + this.data[10] * that[2] + this.data[14] * that[3],
this.data[3] * that[0] + this.data[7] * that[1] + this.data[11] * that[2] + this.data[15] * that[3],
this.data[0] * that[4] + this.data[4] * that[5] + this.data[8] * that[6] + this.data[12] * that[7],
this.data[1] * that[4] + this.data[5] * that[5] + this.data[9] * that[6] + this.data[13] * that[7],
this.data[2] * that[4] + this.data[6] * that[5] + this.data[10] * that[6] + this.data[14] * that[7],
this.data[3] * that[4] + this.data[7] * that[5] + this.data[11] * that[6] + this.data[15] * that[7],
this.data[0] * that[8] + this.data[4] * that[9] + this.data[8] * that[10] + this.data[12] * that[11],
this.data[1] * that[8] + this.data[5] * that[9] + this.data[9] * that[10] + this.data[13] * that[11],
this.data[2] * that[8] + this.data[6] * that[9] + this.data[10] * that[10] + this.data[14] * that[11],
this.data[3] * that[8] + this.data[7] * that[9] + this.data[11] * that[10] + this.data[15] * that[11],
this.data[0] * that[12] + this.data[4] * that[13] + this.data[8] * that[14] + this.data[12] * that[15],
this.data[1] * that[12] + this.data[5] * that[13] + this.data[9] * that[14] + this.data[13] * that[15],
this.data[2] * that[12] + this.data[6] * that[13] + this.data[10] * that[14] + this.data[14] * that[15],
this.data[3] * that[12] + this.data[7] * that[13] + this.data[11] * that[14] + this.data[15] * that[15]
* Divides all components of the matrix by the provded scalar argument,
* returning a new Mat44 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {number} - The scalar to divide the matrix by.
* @returns {Mat44} The resulting matrix.
Mat44.prototype.divScalar = function( that ) {
return new Mat44([
this.data[0] / that,
this.data[1] / that,
this.data[2] / that,
this.data[3] / that,
this.data[4] / that,
this.data[5] / that,
this.data[6] / that,
this.data[7] / that,
this.data[8] / that,
this.data[9] / that,
this.data[10] / that,
this.data[11] / that,
this.data[12] / that,
this.data[13] / that,
this.data[14] / that,
this.data[15] / that
* Returns true if the all components match those of a provided matrix.
* An optional epsilon value may be provided.
* @memberof Mat44
* @param {Mat44|Array} that - The matrix to test equality with.
* @param {number} epsilon - The epsilon value. Optional.
* @returns {boolean} Whether or not the matrix components match.
Mat44.prototype.equals = function( that, epsilon ) {
epsilon = epsilon === undefined ? 0 : epsilon;
that = ( that instanceof Array ) ? that : that.data;
return (( this.data[0] === that[0] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[0] - that[0] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[1] === that[1] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[1] - that[1] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[2] === that[2] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[2] - that[2] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[3] === that[3] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[3] - that[3] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[4] === that[4] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[4] - that[4] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[5] === that[5] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[5] - that[5] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[6] === that[6] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[6] - that[6] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[7] === that[7] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[7] - that[7] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[8] === that[8] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[8] - that[8] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[9] === that[9] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[9] - that[9] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[10] === that[10] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[10] - that[10] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[11] === that[11] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[11] - that[11] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[12] === that[12] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[12] - that[12] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[13] === that[13] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[13] - that[13] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[14] === that[14] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[14] - that[14] ) <= epsilon ) ) &&
(( this.data[15] === that[15] ) || ( Math.abs( this.data[15] - that[15] ) <= epsilon ) );
* Returns an orthographic projection matrix.
* @param {number} left - The minimum x extent of the projection.
* @param {number} right - The maximum x extent of the projection.
* @param {number} bottom - The minimum y extent of the projection.
* @param {number} top - The maximum y extent of the projection.
* @param {number} near - The minimum z extent of the projection.
* @param {number} far - The maximum z extent of the projection.
* @returns {Mat44} The orthographic projection matrix.
Mat44.ortho = function( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) {
var mat = Mat44.identity();
mat.data[0] = 2 / ( right - left );
mat.data[5] = 2 / ( top - bottom );
mat.data[10] = -2 / ( far - near );
mat.data[12] = -( ( right + left ) / ( right - left ) );
mat.data[13] = -( ( top + bottom ) / ( top - bottom ) );
mat.data[14] = -( ( far + near ) / ( far - near ) );
return mat;
* Returns a perspective projection matrix.
* @param {number} fovy - The vertical field of view, in radians.
* @param {number} aspect - The aspect ratio.
* @param {number} near - The near clipping plane of the frustum.
* @param {number} far - The far clipping plane of the frustum.
* @returns {Mat44} The perspective projection matrix.
Mat44.perspective = function( fovy, aspect, near, far ) {
var f = 1.0 / Math.tan( fovy / 2.0 );
var nf = 1.0 / ( near - far );
var mat = Mat44.identity();
mat.data[0] = f / aspect;
mat.data[5] = f;
mat.data[10] = ( far + near ) * nf;
mat.data[11] = -1;
mat.data[14] = ( 2.0 * far * near ) * nf;
mat.data[15] = 0;
return mat;
* Returns the a view matrix for the affine-transformation of the current matrix.
* @returns {Mat44} The view matrix.
Mat44.prototype.view = function() {
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] ).normalize();
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] ).normalize();
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] ).normalize();
var t = new Vec3( -this.data[12], -this.data[13], -this.data[14] );
return new Mat44([
x.x, y.x, z.x, 0,
x.y, y.y, z.y, 0,
x.z, y.z, z.z, 0,
t.dot( x ), t.dot( y ), t.dot( z ), 1
* Returns the transpose of the matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The transposed matrix.
Mat44.prototype.transpose = function() {
return new Mat44([
* Returns the inverse of the matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The inverted matrix.
Mat44.prototype.inverse = function() {
var inv = new Mat44([
// col 0
this.data[5]*this.data[10]*this.data[15] -
this.data[5]*this.data[11]*this.data[14] -
this.data[9]*this.data[6]*this.data[15] +
this.data[9]*this.data[7]*this.data[14] +
this.data[13]*this.data[6]*this.data[11] -
-this.data[1]*this.data[10]*this.data[15] +
this.data[1]*this.data[11]*this.data[14] +
this.data[9]*this.data[2]*this.data[15] -
this.data[9]*this.data[3]*this.data[14] -
this.data[13]*this.data[2]*this.data[11] +
this.data[1]*this.data[6]*this.data[15] -
this.data[1]*this.data[7]*this.data[14] -
this.data[5]*this.data[2]*this.data[15] +
this.data[5]*this.data[3]*this.data[14] +
this.data[13]*this.data[2]*this.data[7] -
-this.data[1]*this.data[6]*this.data[11] +
this.data[1]*this.data[7]*this.data[10] +
this.data[5]*this.data[2]*this.data[11] -
this.data[5]*this.data[3]*this.data[10] -
this.data[9]*this.data[2]*this.data[7] +
// col 1
-this.data[4]*this.data[10]*this.data[15] +
this.data[4]*this.data[11]*this.data[14] +
this.data[8]*this.data[6]*this.data[15] -
this.data[8]*this.data[7]*this.data[14] -
this.data[12]*this.data[6]*this.data[11] +
this.data[0]*this.data[10]*this.data[15] -
this.data[0]*this.data[11]*this.data[14] -
this.data[8]*this.data[2]*this.data[15] +
this.data[8]*this.data[3]*this.data[14] +
this.data[12]*this.data[2]*this.data[11] -
-this.data[0]*this.data[6]*this.data[15] +
this.data[0]*this.data[7]*this.data[14] +
this.data[4]*this.data[2]*this.data[15] -
this.data[4]*this.data[3]*this.data[14] -
this.data[12]*this.data[2]*this.data[7] +
this.data[0]*this.data[6]*this.data[11] -
this.data[0]*this.data[7]*this.data[10] -
this.data[4]*this.data[2]*this.data[11] +
this.data[4]*this.data[3]*this.data[10] +
this.data[8]*this.data[2]*this.data[7] -
// col 2
this.data[4]*this.data[9]*this.data[15] -
this.data[4]*this.data[11]*this.data[13] -
this.data[8]*this.data[5]*this.data[15] +
this.data[8]*this.data[7]*this.data[13] +
this.data[12]*this.data[5]*this.data[11] -
-this.data[0]*this.data[9]*this.data[15] +
this.data[0]*this.data[11]*this.data[13] +
this.data[8]*this.data[1]*this.data[15] -
this.data[8]*this.data[3]*this.data[13] -
this.data[12]*this.data[1]*this.data[11] +
this.data[0]*this.data[5]*this.data[15] -
this.data[0]*this.data[7]*this.data[13] -
this.data[4]*this.data[1]*this.data[15] +
this.data[4]*this.data[3]*this.data[13] +
this.data[12]*this.data[1]*this.data[7] -
-this.data[0]*this.data[5]*this.data[11] +
this.data[0]*this.data[7]*this.data[9] +
this.data[4]*this.data[1]*this.data[11] -
this.data[4]*this.data[3]*this.data[9] -
this.data[8]*this.data[1]*this.data[7] +
// col 3
-this.data[4]*this.data[9]*this.data[14] +
this.data[4]*this.data[10]*this.data[13] +
this.data[8]*this.data[5]*this.data[14] -
this.data[8]*this.data[6]*this.data[13] -
this.data[12]*this.data[5]*this.data[10] +
this.data[0]*this.data[9]*this.data[14] -
this.data[0]*this.data[10]*this.data[13] -
this.data[8]*this.data[1]*this.data[14] +
this.data[8]*this.data[2]*this.data[13] +
this.data[12]*this.data[1]*this.data[10] -
-this.data[0]*this.data[5]*this.data[14] +
this.data[0]*this.data[6]*this.data[13] +
this.data[4]*this.data[1]*this.data[14] -
this.data[4]*this.data[2]*this.data[13] -
this.data[12]*this.data[1]*this.data[6] +
this.data[0]*this.data[5]*this.data[10] -
this.data[0]*this.data[6]*this.data[9] -
this.data[4]*this.data[1]*this.data[10] +
this.data[4]*this.data[2]*this.data[9] +
this.data[8]*this.data[1]*this.data[6] -
// calculate determinant
var det = this.data[0]*inv.data[0] +
this.data[1]*inv.data[4] +
this.data[2]*inv.data[8] +
return inv.multScalar( 1 / det );
* Returns the rotation matrix from the affine-transformation.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The rotation matrix.
Mat44.prototype.rotation = function() {
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] ).normalize();
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] ).normalize();
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] ).normalize();
return new Mat44([
x.x, x.y, x.z, 0,
y.x, y.y, y.z, 0,
z.x, z.y, z.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
* Returns the translation matrix from the affine-transformation.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The translation matrix.
Mat44.prototype.translation = function() {
return Mat44.translation([ this.data[12], this.data[13], this.data[14] ]);
* Returns the scale matrix from the affine-transformation.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The scale matrix.
Mat44.prototype.scale = function() {
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] );
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] );
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] );
return Mat44.scale([ x.length(), y.length(), z.length() ]);
* Returns the inverse of the transform's rotation matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The inverse rotation matrix.
Mat44.prototype.inverseRotation = function() {
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] ).normalize();
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] ).normalize();
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] ).normalize();
return new Mat44([
x.x, y.x, z.x, 0,
x.y, y.y, z.y, 0,
x.z, y.z, z.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
* Returns the inverse of the transform's translation matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The inverse translation matrix.
Mat44.prototype.inverseTranslation = function() {
return Mat44.translation([ -this.data[12], -this.data[13], -this.data[14] ]);
* Returns the inverse of the transform's scale matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} The inverse scale matrix.
Mat44.prototype.inverseScale = function() {
var x = new Vec3( this.data[0], this.data[1], this.data[2] );
var y = new Vec3( this.data[4], this.data[5], this.data[6] );
var z = new Vec3( this.data[8], this.data[9], this.data[10] );
var scale = new Vec3( x.length(), y.length(), z.length() );
return Mat44.scale([
1 / scale.x,
1 / scale.y,
1 / scale.z
* Returns a random transform matrix composed of a rotation and scale.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat44} A random transform matrix.
Mat44.random = function() {
var r = Mat44.rotation( Math.random() * 360, Vec3.random() );
var s = Mat44.scale( Math.random() * 10 );
var t = Mat44.translation( Vec3.random() );
return t.multMat44( r.multMat44( s ) );
* Returns a string representation of the matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {String} The string representation of the matrix.
Mat44.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.data[0] +', '+ this.data[4] +', '+ this.data[8] +', '+ this.data[12] +',\n' +
this.data[1] +', '+ this.data[5] +', '+ this.data[9] +', '+ this.data[13] +',\n' +
this.data[2] +', '+ this.data[6] +', '+ this.data[10] +', '+ this.data[14] +',\n' +
this.data[3] +', '+ this.data[7] +', '+ this.data[11] +', '+ this.data[15];
* Returns an array representation of the matrix.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Array} The matrix as an array.
Mat44.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [
* Returns an the matrix representation as a 3x3 Mat33 object.
* @memberof Mat44
* @returns {Mat33} The matrix as an array.
Mat44.prototype.toMat33 = function() {
return new Mat33([
* Returns an array representation of the matrix.
* @memberof Mat33
* @returns {Array} The matrix as an array.
Mat33.prototype.toMat44 = function() {
return new Mat44([
module.exports = Mat44;